Dr Stuart Dawson's book-  Ned Kelly and the Myth of a Republic of North-East Victoria' claims a republic is based on tall tales, wishful thinking, and skewed historical research. His free book (linked below-click in picture) aims to demolish the claim, however my book - Ned Kelly a Certain Truth - my story and research contradicts Stuart's conclusions based upon the wide distribution of Kelly sympathisers throughout North East Victoria during the Kelly outbreak.


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Stuart says -
One of the most perplexing claims of the modern Ned Kelly legend is that Kelly and his famous bushranger gang aspired to establish a Republic of North-Eastern Victoria, which was to be triggered by the destruction of a special police train at Glenrowan in 1880,-

I say this could be true.
Stuart says; While there is no mention of republican aims in any historical record of Ned Kelly's day, nor in the numerous comments of those connected with or held prisoner by the Kelly gang on various occasions, nor in the work of early historians of the outbreak who knew the Kellys, their gang, their sympathisers, or the pursuing police.

However, I'd say fair enough and understandably so, that there was no recorded mention of a republic for  N.E. Victoria was ever published as, in those times that would have been seen as treason and you'd be executed.

In my book pictured above-
Ned Kelly Australian Iron-icon A Certain Truth, wherein I paint a different picture, I show that  if hundreds of small farmer settlers - spread out over 8000 sqr km of N.East.Victoria, - they rose up and supported the Kellys to bring about change to counter the self-interest of an elite Government, and the Kelly uprising may have represented a self governing movement that was no small mob of local trouble makers as Stuart perports. These underdogs were intent to bring about change and followed the resistance the Kellys exhibited.

Dr.Stuart Dawson's investigation provides a close historical analysis of the construction of what he sees as a romantic myth of a Kelly-led Republic of North - Eastern Victoria in much popular Australian history.

My book counters Stuarts thesis and can be purchased online at-
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Just send me a message to arrange delivery.